I became a Colfuturo beneficiary in 2017. After studying in-depth the previous years’ selection process, I believe the most important criteria for Colfuturo is the university. It has to be one of the best, according to prestigious rankings such as QS. Without it, I believe that the possibilities of getting the Colfuturo loan are lower.
Considering the aforementioned, I decided to do two things:
1) I listed all universities that had been chosen in the previous years, to determine which universities are more likely to be selected in my area. Do not be surprised if you find that they are pretty much the same year after year.
2) I applied to a few universities, but all of them within the list mentioned above. However, I only applied to Colfuturo with the one I thought had better chances to be selected. In this respect, the advice that I got was that once the loan is granted, it is easier to request to change the university (among the ones that comply with the criteria) than trying to “appeal” the outcome of the process.
I hope you find this information useful.